Final Front Mailer. Final Back Mailer. Final Envelope for Mailer Final Intro Screen for Lecture New COMP FOR BACKSIDE!!! Envelope, for Mailer and Schedules. detail Final Mailer Front Final Schedule Final Mailer Back This is a experiment I was working with earlier. Using the 3d effect tool I created a new model of NP out of the word schedule. I eventually scrapped it because I didn't think it was working. This is the final Front side of the mailer. Suggestions? please comment!:) More tests trying to integrate the type in with the logo more.... 3d renderings or not? Latest update on type setting of Schedule: Attendees would be able to check off which lectures they want to attend, and can cut out and bring with them to conference. Schedule (in progress). Boxes are for attendee to decide on which lectures they want to attend.
ryan, some nice studies here with the built letterforms! i'll number your images, top-to-bottom, with the top-most image being first.
1. the use of color is very helpful to separate out the names, and it's smart that you only use each time once, rather than three times. you might consider how you could make each specific time slot (which contains three lectrues) a more distinct unit that's separate from the other time slots. "schedule" is nice and big, and i like that. it's kind of stylish and showy with the different typeface.
you mention that this is cut out and brought with attendees. is this on the back side of a poster/mailer? consider how cutting will change the poster, especially if it's something you think people might want to keep in their studios. can you position this cut-out in a way that won't totally destroy the poster?
2. earlier study, yup yup.
3 - 6. very interesting idea. great images and very nicely lit. dramatic. don't screen your logo back though. keep it full color. the angled ones have more movement and feel more energetic, and the cropping is good. i think my faves are the repeated shape (#6) and the odd picture shape (#7), although on #7 the photo is too obvious. use more dramatic cropping and abstraction of the forms like on #6. but the way you're starting to play with pos/neg space on #7 is very interesting.
7. the pos/neg shapes in this one are quite cool. definitely something worth playing more with, if you like them. i can see them relating to image 8 below. i'd definitely say push this idea more, but with a different pic as i mentioned above. you could even play around with the sense of space between the object, background, and oddly shaped photo.
8. similar use of pos/neg shapes here, but more subtle (for better or worse. i have no preference at this point). i definitely like the sense of discovery i have in figuring out those gray shapes relate to the NP photo. you could twist them around a bit more, or something more than just offsetting them a little. i think i mentioned a while back to play around more with the positioning of elements to make them relate more to one another, and i don't see that happening. don't get too married to the composition here, because your other studies above show that you can definitely come up with some other compelling layouts. try to push stuff around in different ways. the "typecon 2011" tucks behind the negative shape, playing with space in a very cool way. i'd try to utilize that interplay more, like on image 1 above with the "schedule" type.
keep going ryan! some very interesting progress here. make some quick decisions about the bigger visuals and then don't forget to shift to the details of your typesetting of the info.
hey ryan I really like that last test. The colors are nice and I like the depth in the shapes.
wow! Somebody commented! Thanks meredith! :)
ryan, some nice studies here with the built letterforms! i'll number your images, top-to-bottom, with the top-most image being first.
1. the use of color is very helpful to separate out the names, and it's smart that you only use each time once, rather than three times. you might consider how you could make each specific time slot (which contains three lectrues) a more distinct unit that's separate from the other time slots. "schedule" is nice and big, and i like that. it's kind of stylish and showy with the different typeface.
you mention that this is cut out and brought with attendees. is this on the back side of a poster/mailer? consider how cutting will change the poster, especially if it's something you think people might want to keep in their studios. can you position this cut-out in a way that won't totally destroy the poster?
2. earlier study, yup yup.
3 - 6. very interesting idea. great images and very nicely lit. dramatic. don't screen your logo back though. keep it full color. the angled ones have more movement and feel more energetic, and the cropping is good. i think my faves are the repeated shape (#6) and the odd picture shape (#7), although on #7 the photo is too obvious. use more dramatic cropping and abstraction of the forms like on #6. but the way you're starting to play with pos/neg space on #7 is very interesting.
7. the pos/neg shapes in this one are quite cool. definitely something worth playing more with, if you like them. i can see them relating to image 8 below. i'd definitely say push this idea more, but with a different pic as i mentioned above. you could even play around with the sense of space between the object, background, and oddly shaped photo.
8. similar use of pos/neg shapes here, but more subtle (for better or worse. i have no preference at this point). i definitely like the sense of discovery i have in figuring out those gray shapes relate to the NP photo. you could twist them around a bit more, or something more than just offsetting them a little. i think i mentioned a while back to play around more with the positioning of elements to make them relate more to one another, and i don't see that happening. don't get too married to the composition here, because your other studies above show that you can definitely come up with some other compelling layouts. try to push stuff around in different ways. the "typecon 2011" tucks behind the negative shape, playing with space in a very cool way. i'd try to utilize that interplay more, like on image 1 above with the "schedule" type.
keep going ryan! some very interesting progress here. make some quick decisions about the bigger visuals and then don't forget to shift to the details of your typesetting of the info.
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