Thursday, March 12, 2009

Info Arch: Wurman POV Article and my Chosen Articles

I chose the two articles Paula Scher: Back to Show and Tell and Gordon Salchow: Two Myths About Design Education because those were the two that I understood the most, and found most interesting. I felt like in Paula Scher's article I she was only looking at one method of teaching and believed that was the only way of teaching. I agreed with the fact that she was talking about her experience in 9th grade and the people speaking about graphic design. She didn't want to hear about how great the school was and all of these technical terms that meant nothing to her, so she was frustrated as I would be too. I can see her point to an extent but I feel that she might have exaggerated after reading the Wurman POV article. Well lets face it, everyone exaggerates when perceiving something, like an event or an experience of some sort. She probably wasn't in shame like she claims but was just exaggerating the fact that she was bored and that everything that she expected out of the lecture was not reality, and it pissed her off. Especially as a 9th grader, just entering high-school thinking that your tight shit. In the second article I definitely think that Gordon was exaggerating a bit. Some of his point I don't quite fully understand but I do think that the part about schools not having their own "brand" on students is a myth because in fact the small details of a person's portfolio is going to stand out more. After reading the Wurman reading I believe that this is a part in which a single students work can express certain aspects of that student, but not fully encompass their attitude towards life, style, personality, work ethic, etc because of the exaggeration of the interviewer and their perception of the student.

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