My experiments with overlaying elements and large scale interactions have led me to my final design system for my degree project. Through a magazine insert in something like Surfer Magazine I want to create an fun and easy interaction between reader/surfer and get them interested in my system. I do this by making transparent tear-outs provided with sticker graphics, user's can use elements (such as typography, texture, image) to create own surfboard graphic. This is only a part of my system that would guide the user to a different part of the system, the online part. The user would have the option to either send in their design via pre-paid envelope provided, or go online to take their design even further.
The second part of my system is the online interactive. This will have a contest section, similar to Threadless or Design by Humans, where surfers can upload their custom designs to get votes to win a free print of graphic, plus reimbursement for design! The website will have different themes of contests, the best three designs get printed and added to pre-designed graphics gallery, where people can choose your design to apply to their surfboard! The other section of the website will feature a design interactive, where user's can upload custom artwork and use elements provided to fully create the board of their dreams. User's can create an account to save designs that are in progress, or ready to be printed. If the user chooses he/she can upload their design to the contest section.

Branding the system is the hardest part of this project for me (or at least naming it). But I know that I want to include something that references personal identity, that can be customized to the users desire. I was thinking that your finger print is different from anyone else, so why not use that idea in my brand mark? I have been experimenting with fingerprint mark making that I can later use in the system for one of the elements as a part of the design.
From here on out I am going to continue to brand the system, develop the online portion, as well as look as in-store opportunities such as projecting designs onto blank surfboards, as well as create promotional collateral like posters, and a magazine insert.
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