Sunday, October 12, 2008

SM: Kinetic Type Final

Actions: Spark, Combust, Misfire


jessica lyew-ayee said...

yo wastup ryan, i thought your animation was really sweet. I thought it was really sleek and the font choice was very appropriate. the "re-light" sequence may have not been grammatically correct, but it was very much understood and well done in a way that people wouldn't notice. It was appropriate for the occasion. second verb I think where the text comes back on the screen (combust?) was confusing. But still, good film.

meredith adams said...

The strongest part of your animation is the motion of each verb. "spark" is improved from the last time I saw it. The increase of sparks and the speed/motion depict the verb well. The transition into combust needs some tweaking to better set the mood for the action. The action itself though was well timed and the transition into misfire is also successful. Both are successful because your motion is fluid. And your concept for misfire is a good change from the last time I saw your animation.

Kyle Huber said...

Hey bud, I think that you have come a long way in this animation project. Your ability to create convincing actions in flash by using kinetic type is distinguished, but I have a couple of suggestions that may help your final animation be a bit more successful.
First, I noticed that you said how your actions were so close together and fluid and that you wanted to keep it simple overall. You said that you had to make the duration of each action slower, but i still feel like your "spark" is super quick and seeing as though its the first action, it is where your word "lighter" needs to be established. It comes on to the screen and is legible but then it all of a sudden appears to be like a wick that gets lit and fizzles away to the bottom of the stage. It curves like a wick does as well, and conceptually, this is confusing me. You object is a lighter and it doesnt look like a lighter if thats the effect your were trying to create. Maybe Im interpreting your action the wrong way but when I think of spark i think of flare and flicker. I know that your actions were pretty complex and not simple to show simply, but Im still confused on this first action.

The second action is great! I love the effect you created for a combustion. The spinning effect that the letters experience creates movement and an interesting solution to showing your action. After the combustion, the letters reform into a line- making a smooth transition to your next action. I dont know if conceptually this works, but it works visually.

The final action is also intriguing because u are taking the verb misfire and animating it in a humorous and creative way. It develops a smooth transition into a loop for your animation. I love the way the letters try to spell out the word and are unsuccessful. its a great way to show a "misfire"

overall, Im proud of you for this digital animation. Hopefully my advise provokes further refinement.