Week 4Monday 2/15 Weds. 2/17
-Prez over mag insert -Start branding process
Week 5
Monday 2/22 Weds 2/24
-Have name decided as -Progress on branding.
well as logotype choices.
-start looking at color palette.
-Refine Mag. insert.
Week 6
Monday 3/1 Weds 3/3
-Brand completed -Midterm Prez
-test in prototypes.
Week 7
Monday 3/8 Weds 3/10
-Refinements from brand -Progress on website, trials of brand in magazine insert.
-start website wireframes
Week 8
Monday 3/22 Weds 3/24
-Wireframes for interactive -Progress on wireframes and touchpoints.
-Start working on touchpoints.
Week 9
Monday 3/29 Weds 3/31
-Have all touchpoints ready -Start printing pieces and making final stuff.
for print.
-Continue working on interactive
Week 10
Monday 4/5 Weds 4/7
-Photograph all printed -Make any last changes to process book.
-Have interactive demo reel
almost complete.
Week 11
Monday 4/12 Weds 4/14
-Present Final artifacts. -Refinements
Week 12
Monday 4/19 Weds 4/21
-Present -Refine